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Day 7 - First day of work

20th February 2023 | Tags: Technology, Deepfake, AI

This morning we left at 8am to go to the UBS building near Rockefeller Center. There we were welcomed at the reception by Bilma, who showed us around UBS for the day. She took us to a meeting room on the 8th floor where we got an introduction to UBS from Diane and Michael, for those of us who are already doing the apprenticeship at UBS this was some repetition and also a lot of new information. They also talked a lot about Agile Transformation and Sustainability. One fact that especially impressed me was that UBS transmits about 142 petabytes of data per year.


After the first block of work we went to lunch all together and meet our second company’s boss, Lukas from Greater Zurich Area.

In the afternoon we went back to the coworking and Lukas presented us what the company Greater Zurich Area does: it’s main business it to help US companies to move to Switzerland.

Then he explained us what our job will be, we will maintain the Greater Zurich Area website, work on SEO, and website content. There are already a set of tasks ready to pick.

Initially Noemi and Simon will work for Greater Zurich Area, and me (Thomas), Florin, Chiara and Sven will work on the startup project, and then we will rotate teams.

After the workday we visited Williamsburg and hang out under the Brooklyn bridge.

For dinner we went to a typical Texan restaurant.

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