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Day 30 - Last day and flying back home

20th February 2023 | Tags: Technology, Deepfake, AI


We had to leave the apartment at 11 o’clock, that’s why we started our day at 8 o’clock to clean the apartment and pack all our things. We then took our luggage to the supervisor’s apartment because they have their apartment rented until tomorrow. After that we split up and some of us went to the Times Square one last time to get some more souvenirs, some of us went to the Washington square park and the others went to China Town to get some souvenirs as well. We all took one big last breath of New York and used the last day as good as possible.


We had the flight at 21:30 o’clock in the evening and went there at about 17:00 o’clock. Then we ate a small snack at the airport, because we were already a bit hungry, and we didn’t know when we would receive dinner in the airplane. In the end we only had a flight time of 7.5h, and then we landed safely in Zurich, where our families waited already, and we all were happy to see them again.


Even though we had many surprises in the beginning, we learned quickly that you need to be agile in New York. Sometimes you work in a nice office in Dumbo, in a Starbucks or in a beautiful office in China Town.
We had so much fun living together in the apartment, working together, meeting with other people or just trying to cook something in the evening. We surely are going to miss this back in Switzerland, and we will have a lot of new stories to tell and a lot of new skills to use.

If somebody would now ask me: “What was one of the highlights of your apprenticeship?” I would not have to think long, to say: “The New York Stage!”

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