Day 27 - meeting J.P. Morgan apprentices
20th February 2023 | Tags: Technology, Deepfake, AI
Today we were once again all together in the office in Chinatown. Since a presentation about our apprentice system in Switzerland at J.P. Morgan was planned for the afternoon, we divided the presentation I (Sven) had created into parts. Our goal was to prepare for the upcoming presentation and already practice a few times. I could not go to J.P. Morgan today because I had a job interview for an internal position in Switzerland.
For this reason, I’m writing below from the perspective of the rest of the group, who shared their experiences and impressions of the J.P. Morgan presentation with me.
At noon, we made our way to the J.P. Morgan building, where we later held our presentation. As expected, the building was impressive. But even more impressive was the room where we were able to exchange with J.P. Morgan apprentices. Besides the large room, we were also surprised by the number of people present, as we had expected fewer. After a small round of getting to know each other, we started our presentation. The apprentices from J.P. Morgan were surprised that we had prepared something and apologized as they had not prepared anything.
The presentation went as rehearsed except for minor deviations and was a good first introduction to our teaching system for the Q&A session that followed. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to exchange questions and learn more about their life as apprentices in New York. One point that surprised us was that they have half a day of school and half a day of work each day. This is a big difference from our work week during training.
After work, I visited the NBA store in Times Square. The store has 3 floors and all kinds of basketball shirts you can imagine. But since most of the popular players were sold out, I left the store without a new shirt. The weather was beautiful again today, so the walk was a breathtaking experience, as it has been so often in recent weeks. Back in the group, we told each other about our experiences. In the evening I again took the opportunity to watch some Basketball games. At that time Florin tried the famous Times Square hot dog and was surprised about the good taste. Later Chiara, Noemi and Thomas were also busy recording the voiceover for the video.