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Day 24 – Delicious Dinner after an Inspirational visit

20th February 2023 | Tags: Berlin 2023

This Saturday, we planned to go to a museum and eat steak for dinner. We already booked a table for eight people the day before at the Fogo de Chão restaurant.

For the museum we had two choices: the Museum of Modern Art or the American Museum of Natural History. We picked the second one, the famous American Museum of Natural History. That museum, that is famous from all the movies like “The Devil Wears Prada” or “Exorcist II”.

Arriving at the Museum we needed to wait a couple of minutes in line to be able to buy our tickets. Fortunately, we were able to get them with the student discount. At first, we didn’t think that it would be possible because we are students from Switzerland, but we tried it anyway and it worked!

First, we started with the different cultures. We went from African via Mexican, and North American to the Asian culture. In our opinion, the most interesting part was the Chinese part, because the Chinese dragons were very impressive.

After the different cultures we went one level up, to the famous dinosaur bone collection.

It was really fascinating to see the collection in real-life.

Before we left, we bought some gifts from the gift shops inside the museum.

We met at 7:30 PM in front of the Fogo de Chão restaurant. Robin also joined us for this dinner. After we got seated, we recognized how big this restaurant really was. From the entrance and the check-in area it just looked like a normal restaurant with like 20 tables. In reality it had like 60+ tables with multiple floors. The restaurant just got bigger out of nowhere! We had an amazing dinner together. We all got “all you can eat” deal for around 80$.

It was a really amazing experience with all the servers walking around with high quality steaks, cutting of Peaces of the steak on your plate.

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