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Day 2 - Sightseeing and the New York Stock Exchange

20th February 2023 | Tags: Berlin 2023


Day 2 started with some of us getting breakfast and all of us getting ready to visit the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). All suited up we met up with Adrian and got metro cards for all of us. Ready to use the subway Adrian practiced with us how to use the different lines and getting around the different stations. Then we visited our first stop “macy’s” because we needed to get black shoes for all five guys in our group since we had to wear black business shoes for the NYSE and the guys didn’t bring any with them.

Once we had that checked off, we installed digital SIM cards on all of our phones for the US. And when we were done with that, we ate lunch at a diner in the area.

Then Adrian gave us a very interesting tour around New York. We saw the following attractions: Bowling Green, Broadway, the Charging Bull, saw a glimpse of the Trinity Church, the 9/11 Memorial and the World Trade Center Transportation Hub.

NYSE & Dinner

During the tour we made our way to the NYSE. After getting our VISITOR badges, we went to the trading floor. The US-finance & economics expert Jens Korte showed us around and explained how everything works there. We also saw them ring the bell to close the stock market meaning the trading stops for that day.

The closing highlight of the day was the dinner we had at a very nice Mexican restaurant with a stunning view of New York. We had to use the ferry to cross the river, since the restaurant was in New Jersey. We ate some really delicious food, all of us enjoyed it very much. Later some of us went home to wash up and sleep and the others still roamed around the city for a bit before returning home as well.

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