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Day 15 - NHL Game

20th February 2023 | Tags: Technology, Deepfake, AI

On Thursday morning, the computer scientists left the house a bit earlier than the media scientists. They went to Chinatown to work in a coworking space. Noemi and I (Chiara), on the other hand, started the day in our home office.

In the coworking space, everyone worked on their projects for the different startups. This included automating Excel files, animating motor vehicles, and more. The challenge here was that some of the developers had never done this before and had to acquire the knowledge on the spot. During the day, the mediamaticians so Noemi and I worked on the planning for our Instareels, which we want to create for the Swiss Embassy.
Since we wanted to plan and record each sequence exactly, we needed the whole morning. However, the planning now lists the individual film sequences, the action of the shot, the angle of the camera and and and. So we can save a lot of time for filming, because we already have an overview with all the important information. In the afternoon we packed our camera and microphone and headed towards Central Park.

Our goal was to make the first recordings for the video, in which we interviewed Americans to find out if they knew about the dual education system. It was a pity that we were not as successful as planned. Many passers-by did not have time or interest to participate in the interview or were tourists like us. What amazed us was that some people knew what an apprenticeship was or even had people in their family who were doing an apprenticeship.
Although it was not the most successful day, we were able to film some nice shots, which fit well in our videos.

Our findings for the next shoots are to go visit other parks and look for interview partners there. Although Central Park has a lot of diversity, it has an incredible amount of tourists. And the goal of ours is to interview local people.
At 4:30 p.m. we met again together with the computer scientists. For tonight we organized ice hockey tickets. We visited the game in the UBS Arena. This is the home of the NewYork Islanders. The UBS Arena is located in Elmont (Long Island) and to get there we had to travel for a while. However, this did not bother us because we were all looking forward to it anyway. The time also passed very quickly as we chatted the whole way. That evening, the New York Islanders played against the New Jersey Devils. I personally was for the New Jersey Devils, because there are two Swiss players in this team. But the other people (Sven, Florin and Thomas) were for the NewYork Islanders or for nobody.

The game was very fast and it was hard to keep an eye on the puck. Either way it was a great experience. The Devils were in the lead for a very long time and when the NewYork Islanders scored a goal, pretty much the whole crowd cheered. During the intermissions, there was entertainment such as the KissCam (we weren’t shown).
When the Devils were leading 3 to 1 in the last minutes, a lot of fans left the stadium because they didn’t want to watch the game until the end. I was very surprised by this. And I was even more glad that we didn’t, because the Devils scored a goal in the last minutes and won 4 to 1.

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